So Ethan is now 5 1/2 weeks old. I can't believe it! It is already time for me to go back to work, poo. It has been so much fun staying home and playing with him all day long. I've gotten to witness several milestones: his first smile, his first coo, he has held his own bottle several times, he has peed on me (and Dad), he has rolled from his tummy to his back, he can hold his head up for extended periods of time... My little guy is growing up so fast :(
We started the day watching the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade, then Dad came home from playing football. Gramby came over and Ethan drew names for Secret Santa. We got it all on video :0) Go Go Baby Ethan! It seems he has enjoyed his first Thanksgiving, getting lots of attention like usual. :0) Earlier at Grammy's, he wore his bib with a turkey on it and sat at the dinner table while drinking his bottle. Right now he is sitting on his Aunt Kristin's lap, we are at Pop Pop's house enjoying some of Aunt T T's pie. Yum.

Thursday, November 25, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
He is here!!!!!!!!
After what seems like forever, our darling baby boy is here. It's still sinking in...and every moment is so amazing. Brad and I stare at him for hours on end and have never been more content. He is such an angel, he was so well behaved in the womb, and he was just as nice to me on the way out. He is already soooo loved and so spoiled, and he doesn't even know it! I'm dreading the day when he finds out and realizes that he has everyone wrapped around his little finger.
So here's how it all happened...
I started having stomach pains that would come and go around 7:30 p.m. Saturday night during dinner (Me, Brad, Doug and Jess, Noah, Briony, Pete, and Mom). We were in the kitchen and Chloe said "Ethan if you don't come out now, I'll corrupt you like your Mommy did us!". Later, we (Doug, Jess, Pete, Me, Brad, Eddie, and Shannon) went to Stanford and Sons to see a show because Jess is friends with one of the comedians who performed that night. As funny as the show was, I was in agony the whole time, the "pains" got more frequent and more severe. By the end of the show, Brad and I were pretty sure they were contractions so we called our Midwife. She said it might be a good idea to check into the hospital. We went home, grabbed our hospital bags, and told everyone we were just going to IHOP (we didnt want to say anything in case it was false labor). We checked in and I was dilated at a 2. I took a warm bath and was checked an hour later: 2.5 cm dialted. That's when it was decided that I was in early labor. I received some pain meds that made me sick, and when they wore off I decided it was time for the epidural. It was so sweet how concerned Brad was for me, his face went white. After the epidural at 6 am, I didnt feel a thing. It was suuuuuch a relief. They broke my water at 9am when I was dilated to 8. By noon, I was a 10. At 1:20 I began pushing. Brad held one of my legs up and the nurse had the other. I felt so bad for their arms, what champs! We waited for each contraction to begin, and with each, I did a series of pushes. Each time, I had to take in a deep breath and hold it in for 10 seconds while pushing as hard as I could while curling in towards my stomach. I did this four times in a row, each series lasting about 45 seconds. After 40 minutes, they said "Oh, the top of his head!" I was like "You've GOT to be kidding me!!!!" The Midwife assured me that this was good progress, but I thought she just didn't want to discouraged me. Soon, I could just feel him there and I got a second wind. It wasn't long after when I saw Brad's face and I knew Ethan was almost here. Good thing, I felt like my eyes were going to bulge out of my skull from repeatedly holding my breath and pushing so hard. One last push and our little miracle was born at 2:36 p.m. It all happened so fast, I saw him for a half a second and they rushed him over to the warmer that was 5 feet away. He looked great, but he wasn't crying. Brad and I exchanged looks, both our eyes became sprinklers. We couldn't believe it, this is the little guy who was doing Kung Fu in my stomach. Soon he cried and I got to hold my son. How amazing... I can't even attempt to articulate it. An hour later, Ethan's fan club flooded in...
So here's how it all happened...
I started having stomach pains that would come and go around 7:30 p.m. Saturday night during dinner (Me, Brad, Doug and Jess, Noah, Briony, Pete, and Mom). We were in the kitchen and Chloe said "Ethan if you don't come out now, I'll corrupt you like your Mommy did us!". Later, we (Doug, Jess, Pete, Me, Brad, Eddie, and Shannon) went to Stanford and Sons to see a show because Jess is friends with one of the comedians who performed that night. As funny as the show was, I was in agony the whole time, the "pains" got more frequent and more severe. By the end of the show, Brad and I were pretty sure they were contractions so we called our Midwife. She said it might be a good idea to check into the hospital. We went home, grabbed our hospital bags, and told everyone we were just going to IHOP (we didnt want to say anything in case it was false labor). We checked in and I was dilated at a 2. I took a warm bath and was checked an hour later: 2.5 cm dialted. That's when it was decided that I was in early labor. I received some pain meds that made me sick, and when they wore off I decided it was time for the epidural. It was so sweet how concerned Brad was for me, his face went white. After the epidural at 6 am, I didnt feel a thing. It was suuuuuch a relief. They broke my water at 9am when I was dilated to 8. By noon, I was a 10. At 1:20 I began pushing. Brad held one of my legs up and the nurse had the other. I felt so bad for their arms, what champs! We waited for each contraction to begin, and with each, I did a series of pushes. Each time, I had to take in a deep breath and hold it in for 10 seconds while pushing as hard as I could while curling in towards my stomach. I did this four times in a row, each series lasting about 45 seconds. After 40 minutes, they said "Oh, the top of his head!" I was like "You've GOT to be kidding me!!!!" The Midwife assured me that this was good progress, but I thought she just didn't want to discouraged me. Soon, I could just feel him there and I got a second wind. It wasn't long after when I saw Brad's face and I knew Ethan was almost here. Good thing, I felt like my eyes were going to bulge out of my skull from repeatedly holding my breath and pushing so hard. One last push and our little miracle was born at 2:36 p.m. It all happened so fast, I saw him for a half a second and they rushed him over to the warmer that was 5 feet away. He looked great, but he wasn't crying. Brad and I exchanged looks, both our eyes became sprinklers. We couldn't believe it, this is the little guy who was doing Kung Fu in my stomach. Soon he cried and I got to hold my son. How amazing... I can't even attempt to articulate it. An hour later, Ethan's fan club flooded in...
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Due in 5 days!
Today, the Doc said I was dialated to a one... and her guess is that I will deliver late. POO! Oh well, I guess the important thing is that Little Ethan comes when he is ready. We had our Newborn Care class on Monday night, and guess what!? Brad is a way better swaddler than me! I'll have to practice. Can Dr. Karp just be our babysitter!? I am trying to get everyone's guesses for date/time/height/weight on Facebook. Then we will print it off and keep it in the hospital bag so we can see who is the closest. Just for fun. Brad and I are sooo ready. I've been trying to stay busy... not enough to do to keep my mind off the waiting. So if anyone has ideas on how to pass the time, I am open to suggestions. I was going to learn to knit, but that will just make me feel like an old fart, and the nursing bra I started wearing already does that enough. I feel like Mrs. Doubtfire. LOL. But nursing bras are sooooo comfy! Even more comfy than no bra (in case anyone was wondering).
Tonight, I am making some cheesey potatoes, kind of like the ones that were at Jen W's wedding. I hope they turn out because we are hungry... but then again I have not found myself to be a picky eater these last nine months.
I'll be sure to keep everyone updated, i.e. if my water breaks or I have contractions. Go Go Baby Ethan!!!
Tonight, I am making some cheesey potatoes, kind of like the ones that were at Jen W's wedding. I hope they turn out because we are hungry... but then again I have not found myself to be a picky eater these last nine months.
I'll be sure to keep everyone updated, i.e. if my water breaks or I have contractions. Go Go Baby Ethan!!!
Friday, October 8, 2010
10 more days to go! (Give or take)
We had our weekly doctor's visit yesterday. Everything is going great, but no dilation yet :0(
She said that didn't mean much, for all we know I could go into labor tomorrow (but I don't see that happening). Yesterday, we noticed Ethan dropped, and today he has dropped even more. He's getting close! Right now, I'm using all this downtime to do our last minute baby things, like: putting the safety mirrors and shades in the cars, I scheduled our Newborn Care class for Monday night, and I need to go get fitted for nursing bras. Our pediatrician will be the same as our doctor, since it's a family practice. So luckily, we didnt have to go through the trouble of finding one and interviewing them. Yesterday, I finally typed up our birth plan and put it with the hospital records. The day before that, I packed our hospital bags, and picked out Ethan's coming home outfit!
Okay, Ethan... everything is ready... just waiting on you... no pressure. LOL :0)~
She said that didn't mean much, for all we know I could go into labor tomorrow (but I don't see that happening). Yesterday, we noticed Ethan dropped, and today he has dropped even more. He's getting close! Right now, I'm using all this downtime to do our last minute baby things, like: putting the safety mirrors and shades in the cars, I scheduled our Newborn Care class for Monday night, and I need to go get fitted for nursing bras. Our pediatrician will be the same as our doctor, since it's a family practice. So luckily, we didnt have to go through the trouble of finding one and interviewing them. Yesterday, I finally typed up our birth plan and put it with the hospital records. The day before that, I packed our hospital bags, and picked out Ethan's coming home outfit!
Okay, Ethan... everything is ready... just waiting on you... no pressure. LOL :0)~
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
19 more days!
I can't figure out whether Baby Ethan likes Kung-Fu or Yoga better. Either way, he's a crazy person. :0) Brad and I went out on a little date tonight, and it was the first time I had Stonewall Pizza since I had become pregnant, and I think Baby rather enjoyed it. I'm pretty sure he did not appreciate the Shake's frozen custard afterward, because there was no room in my belly for him to do his little exercises.
I noticed the first stretch mark today, you can see it in just the right light. I'm sure it will get bigger, and some more of its friends will appear :0( Brad says I should wear them like a badge of honor... UGH.
Today at work, a little 4 year old said "Mommy, she has a baby in her belly... is it a dinosaur?" I can't wait for Ethan to say cute stuff like that! I just hope he doesn't embarass me... and I hope he is NOT a dinosaur.
I noticed the first stretch mark today, you can see it in just the right light. I'm sure it will get bigger, and some more of its friends will appear :0( Brad says I should wear them like a badge of honor... UGH.
Today at work, a little 4 year old said "Mommy, she has a baby in her belly... is it a dinosaur?" I can't wait for Ethan to say cute stuff like that! I just hope he doesn't embarass me... and I hope he is NOT a dinosaur.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Today started the weekly Dr's visits...
This morning was the first of our regular weekly visits, and Ethan is just great! We got to hear his heartbeat (as usual) and found out that he moved his butt to my left side while his feet are what has been jabbing me on my right. It was really funny, when our midwife was poking around by his feet, he kept moving them away. He is so playful :0) We really like our Midwife, and are happy that we switched from the doctor we were seeing. She told us a lot about what's going to happen right after baby is born. We talked about how important it was for the immediate hour of skin to skin contact with Mom and Dad, as opposed to what the hospital usually does which is take him away for a bit for Apgar scores, etc. Brad and I keep daydreaming about the moment when we first meet our little guy...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Only 27 days until Baby Ethan is due!
It's been a looong 8 months, but we are finally on the last one! Ethan is lucky enought to have plenty of loved ones waiting to meet him and spoil him. The nursery is all set and ready to go, and so are we. I guess all we have left to do is pack the hospital bag!
We created this site as a way for everyone to watch Ethan grow and witness all his milestones, especially the out of towners. We are planning on taking a trip up to Boston around spring break so everyone can meet him!
What can I tell you about Ethan so far? Well for starters, he is a really active little guy! He moves around all day long, but mostly at night and in the morning (you know, when I'm trying to sleep... LOL). He loooves pancakes and cinnamon rolls (eesh!). He hasn't given me a hard time with morning sickness or bad pains, what a nice dude! He DOES however like to find his way up under my ribs which feels funny most of the time, at other times it is hard to sit comfortably. He gets the hiccups several times a day, which always brings a smile to my face. The other day when he was moving really awkwardly, I put my hand where his butt was and felt a "pop"... I think he farted :0) He also likes to stick his foot out against my right side, it is CRAZY to see!
I have a feeling he might be a little early, because he is so antsy. We'll see. Take a moment and vote on the poll (on the right side of the page).
We created this site as a way for everyone to watch Ethan grow and witness all his milestones, especially the out of towners. We are planning on taking a trip up to Boston around spring break so everyone can meet him!
What can I tell you about Ethan so far? Well for starters, he is a really active little guy! He moves around all day long, but mostly at night and in the morning (you know, when I'm trying to sleep... LOL). He loooves pancakes and cinnamon rolls (eesh!). He hasn't given me a hard time with morning sickness or bad pains, what a nice dude! He DOES however like to find his way up under my ribs which feels funny most of the time, at other times it is hard to sit comfortably. He gets the hiccups several times a day, which always brings a smile to my face. The other day when he was moving really awkwardly, I put my hand where his butt was and felt a "pop"... I think he farted :0) He also likes to stick his foot out against my right side, it is CRAZY to see!
I have a feeling he might be a little early, because he is so antsy. We'll see. Take a moment and vote on the poll (on the right side of the page).
How Baby Ethan came to be...
Brad and I met in our high school gym class when I asked him how to pronounce the last name on the back of his shirt, little did I know that would be my last name someday. I thought his legs looked great in gym shorts :0) We had a brief fling, then summer came and we lost touch. A couple years later, he took a job at Rainforest Cafe where I worked.
It didn't take us long to reconnect, we hung out all the time and were roommates within two months. We were best friends for a year, when finally we realized how compatible we were. After awhile, we moved into an apartment by ourselves and he asked me to marry him on Fat Tuesday. On May 24th, 2007 at Unity Temple, we were married; just a handful of our close family members were there.
Brad left for his deployment in Iraq in June 2007 and returned in June 2008. While he was on leave in January, we flew to Boston where I got to meet his mother's side of the family. That July, we took a road trip to Oregon and Seattle... it was amazing. We got to see the very first Starbucks, and we stayed with the "grandparents" who "adopted" him while he was overseas. We both went to UMKC and took a couple classes together the following semester. We had our big wedding on September 14th, 2008 at Unity Temple on the Plaza with 100 of our close friends and family.
In the following April and May 2009, we took 3 trips to Chicago for the Yellow Ribbon program, where we also did some sightseeing. Also in May, I finally graduated with my Bachelor of Arts with a major in Psychology that month. After graduation, Brad and I took a trip to Orlando to visit my brother Jeff, brother Doug, his wife Jessica, and their 20 month old Noah and 1 month old Briony. We had a great time with the family and going to DisneyLand and Universal Studios. Little Noah is the reason I wanted kids so bad, he is just too cute!
We tried to hold off the baby itch for awhile, but when we bought our first house in Overland Park in November 2009, we decided there was no "right time" to have a baby... so we should just go for it! It must have been fate, because when we moved in we painted the spare bedroom blue. In January we became pregnant and on June 2nd, 2010, we found out we were having a boy (just what Brad wanted).
In May, we finally took our Honeymoon. We went to Rome, Italy and Athens, Greece. We saw so many things we've only read about in books, and took over a thousand pictures.
Feeling our little Baby Ethan kick is the most exhilarating feeling I have ever had. We read to him every night and can't wait to meet him!
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